Amina Kadous

Amina Kadous (b. 1991) is a visual artist based in Cairo, Egypt. She received her Bachelor in Fine Arts from Tufts University and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. To Kadous, photographs hold memories and meanings, countering the ephemerality of experience, and allowing her to pass specific experiences and moments on. The medium allows her to treasure, hold, and bless the past she has not lived through the stories and eyes of those who have narrated it. 

Kadous’ work was recently featured in the Photography Biennale of the contemporary Arab world at the Cité Des Arts in Paris in 2019. She participated in the 12th edition of the Bamako Biennale of Photography and was awarded the Centre Soleil d’Afrique Prize for her project, A crack in the Memory of My Memory. Her work was also exhibited at the The AfriKa Museum in the Netherlands as part of the World Press group exhibition, Connecting views: Talents from the APJD. She was awarded a grant from the Magnum Foundation and Prince Claus Foundation and was one of the top ten finalists for the Everyday Projects grant for her current long-term series White Gold. In 2022, she was awarded the Contemporary African photography Prize as well as the Prix De La Photo Madame Figaro at the Arles photography festival. In 2023, her project White Gold was also nominated for the Prix Pictet and the Deutsche Börse Prize. Kadous was awarded the Sheikh Saoud Al Thani Award in 2023.